Knowing God

Chase Helton



1. The Study of God

2. The People Who Know Their God

3. Knowing and Being Known

4. The One True God

The Danger in Images

  1. Images dishonor God, for they obscure his glory
    • "The inevitably conceal most, if not all, of the truth about the personal nature and character of the divine being whom they represent." [46]
    • The cross displays Christ's human weakness, but conceals his divine strength and keeps out of our sight the reality of his joy and power
  2. Images mislead us, for they convey false ideas about God
    • Psychologically, if we habitually focus our thoughts on a specific image or picture of God, we will come to think of Him as the image that we are imagining represents him

5. God Incarnate

6. He Shall Testify

7. God Unchanging

8. The Majesty of God

9. God Only Wise

10. God’s Wisdom and Ours

What Ecclesiastes Teaches

11. Thy Word is Truth

12. The Love of God

13. The Grace of God

14. God the Judge

15. The Wrath of God

Wrath in Romans

16. Goodness and Severity

17. The Jealous God

18. The Heart of the Gospel

19. Sons of God

I am a child of God. God is my father; heaven is my home; every day is one day nearer. My Savior is my brother; every Christian is my brother too. [228]

20. Thou Our Guide

21. These Inward Trials

22. The Adequacy of God

Reflections and Questions